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Why choose


We are responsive

Some of our customers benefit from a Service Level Agreement that guarantees a one hour response time to all service requests. On average, SquareCubed responds in under half that time.


We want your business to be able to function at all times by ensuring your IT systems are always available and always efficient.


In addition, we take the time to understand you and how your business is growing and changing. You will always have access to SquareCubed directors to discuss your future goals and how we can help you to achieve them.

We are not just support

We bring everything that is good about perfectly planned, perfectly delivered and perfectly controlled systems into the SME market.


We know what "best practice" can do for businesses and how different it is from "that'll do"'.


We don't just provide telephone helpdesk support - we also provide unlimited advice for planning a long-term ICT strategy.


And above all, we act as your trusted advisor.

We are flexible

Every business is different so why should we treat every customer in the same way?


Most IT companies hide behind their contractual obligations. We use them only as a starting point.


We get to know every aspect of a customer's business so we can provide the service they actually need.


IT changes continually so we are constantly evaluating emerging technologies and deciding which will benefit our clients. We don't wait for a contract renewal before suggesting new products and services to our customers.

Contact Us

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 Address. Elmete Drive, Leeds, LS8 2LA

Tel. 03300 432110

© 2020 SquareCubed Ltd

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